Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Hong Kong Connection

We landed in Hong Kong at 5:00am (5:00pm back home).The airport is almost deserted at this time of day. We leave at 8:50am on our flight to Saigon. The Hong Kong flight lasted 14 hours. I was able to sleep about the first 7 hours (and I use "sleep" loosely). It's hard to describe a 14 hour plane flight. All I can say is that it feels better landing than taking off. I didn't practice sleeping in the upright position enough. The Hong Kong airport is a really beautiful place. It is surrounded by water and mountainous islands. It has been raining and the clouds and fog are hanging around the mountaintops. I threw in a picture for everyone to see. We leave here and we have a 2 1/2 hour flight to Saigon. We should be in our hotel around 12:00 if we don't have any trouble. More to come.
J.R. and James: Momma and Daddy sure do miss you. We love you both and can't wait to get back home to see you. J.R. , I haven't seen that pond you wanted yet, but let me know if you think of anything else and I will look for you. be good and we will talk to ya'll soon. We love you!

And They're Off!

It’s 4:00 right now and we are sitting in the Atlanta airport. The flight out of Savannah was great. When we got up in the air out of Savannah the pilot sounded the tone to unfasten seatbelts. Then he sounded the tone to fasten seatbelts again. It sounded like a doorbell, Ding-Dong. No joke, that’s about how long the flight was. Savannah airport is very nice. The boys were able to go all the way up to the TSA search point with us. There is only one concourse, so they could really see what was going on. They must have ridden the escalators up and down 100 times. After much hugging and kissing and crying we made our way down to the gate. Momma and Daddy hung around with the boys and they watched our flight leave. I am really impressed with the Savannah airport. It is nice to go into such a small airport, no lines, no crowds, and no waiting. We can make it there in less than two hours and minus the chaos. It’s nice to fly into Atlanta and get to skip the TSA search lines that are sometimes there. Next flight leaves at 5:30 to Los Angeles. On a lighter note, I was really worried about the size of the seats on the airplane. At 6’3” and 285 lbs. I am hardly the average American. DeanAnne and I had a pair of seats on the two seat side of the airplane. I was able to comfortably sit in the seat and DeanAnne didn’t mind lying in the floor as long as I kept my feet out of her face. That’s all for now, more in L.A.

Well here we are in Los Angeles. It's almost 10:00 here and our flight leaves at 11:50. 14 hours later we'll arrive in Hong Kong. The Los Angeles airport is very confusing. It's layout is nothing like Atlanta. We had to leave the concourse we were in and travel to another separate concourse that is for international flights. It was about a ten minute walk and their were no signs that clearly marked the way. It was chaos on the inside. Apparently a lot of flights to Asia leave out around midnight. We finally made it to our gate and here we sit now. We are flying out on a 747 and I can see it out the window as I type. Man is that thing big. It has an upper level where the pilots and first class passengers ride. The middle level is economy and it runs from the nose of the plane to the tail. Of course DeanAnne and I will be riding in the cargo hold, about as nice as we could afford. I sure hope I can hang on until they let the wheels up. I really don't want to fall out. That's all for now. Next chapter: Hong Kong.