We landed in Hong Kong at 5:00am (5:00pm back home).The airport is alm
ost deserted at this time of day. We leave at 8:50am on our flight to Saigon. The Hong Kong flight lasted 14 hours. I was able to sleep about the first 7 hours (and I use "sleep" loosely). It's hard to describe a 14 hour plane flight. All I can say is that it feels better landing than taking off. I didn't practice sleeping in the upright position enough. The Hong Kong airport is a really beautiful place. It is surrounded by water and mountainous islands. It has been raining and the clouds and fog are hanging around the mountaintops. I threw in a picture for everyone to see. We leave here and we have a 2 1/2 hour flight to Saigon. We should be in our hotel around 12:00 if we don't have any trouble. More to come.
J.R. and James: Momma and Daddy sure do miss you. We love you both and can't wait to get back home to see you. J.R. , I haven't seen that pond you wanted yet, but let me know if you think of anything else and I will look for you. be good and we will talk to ya'll soon. We love you!