Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Just Waiting!

We're still sitting around today waiting to hear from the facilitator about our INS appointment. I hope that no news is good news. Maybe he'll call in a little while and confirm a Wednesday appointment.

Last night we took our facilitator out to eat at the Rex Hotel. The food was very good and they had traditional Vietnamese music being played by a group there. It was very interesting to hear.

After we left the restaurant, there was a terrible commotion outside. It seems that the Vietnamese soccer team had advanced in the Asian Cup. There were hundreds of young people on mopeds racing around the circle below the Rex waving Vietnamese flags and banners. This excitement continued well into the night as the groups went all through the city. They passed our hotel very late yelling and chanting. The group was so large it pretty well shut down all traffic wherever it went. The picture was taken in the circle in front of the Ho Chi Minh City Hall. This is where the statue of Ho Chi Minh with a child is located.

So now we wait. Here are a few more pictures of Jett while we are waiting. Hopefully I'll have good news tomorrow!
Look Mom, No Hands!


Anonymous said...

Jon and DeanAnne, your baby Jett is too precious for words! Your faith in God's timing and overseeing this process is a true testimony. I am so blessed to be able to read your story and see you united with your son. Keeping you in prayer, God bless, Jennie Ours

Anonymous said...

Jon and DeanAnne,
It's late Tuesday afternoon. The boys have had their nap and are watching one of nine movies Aunt Skeeter brought them. We are going swimming around six then back to the house to talk to Mom and Dad and another day has gone by. We are praying that you get good news but the best news has taken place, you finally have Baby Jett and you'll be bringing him home soon.
Love Mom.